Showing posts with label Oscillatoria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oscillatoria. Show all posts

Oscillatoria princeps Vaucher ex Gomont Algae of Chennai Marshland Chennai Wetland Biodiversity | Chennai Algal Flora

 Oscillatoria princeps Vaucher ex Gomont


    Oscillatoria princeps is the type species of the cyanobacterial genus Oscillatoria. The cyanobacterium is dark blue-green in colour, due to the presence of the phycobilin pigments phycocyanin and phycoerythrin. Individual filaments are blue-green to olive green in colour.

Trichomes blue-green, highly motile, not constricted at the cross-walls, narrowing toward the often bent ends, 24–36 ?m wide in the central area of the trichome and 14-27 (30) µm wide at the ends. Apical cells nearly hemispherical and often yellowish (together with up to five adjacent cells). Granulation never located at the cross-walls, but fine to larger granules randomly dispersed throughout cells. Cells 2-9 µm long, new cell walls form from the outside of the trichome often before the previous division is finished. Cell wall colourless and thick, necridic cells present, no sheath or calyptra observed.

This particular alga was collected from stagnant water bodies in Chennai City's Wetland area... This alga widely distributed in most wetand areas of Chennai and also other habitats. This alga cosmopolitan in distribution. 

AARI World Wetland Day Quiz, 2022 conducted by AARI and Chennai Wetlands Biodiversity Blog || Publish your articles and books with us

 Annakkili Amma Research Institute (AARI) Chennai Wetland Biodiversity Blog wishes you all Happy World Wetland Day 2022 AARI organizes vari...